Book A Free Home Visit Valuation

Free Instant Online Valuation

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Not ready for a home visit? Our online valuation service is a quick way to get an idea of your property value or monthly lettings income.

Your free valuation

We will book this at a time and a date convenient for you and it will take approximately 30 minutes to an hour. During the appointment we will offer guidance and advice and answer any questions you might have.

The team have over 25 years of experience

We are experts in valuing properties, having extensive knowledge on the current market in order to provide an accurate valuation of your property.

We have a large database of clients

Who are looking for their next new home. Our buyers & tenants love the way in which we market our properties and also how we work with them. 

Offering the personal approach

If you decide to instruct Roe & Co to help sell or rent your property, the expert who carried out the valuation, is the expert that stays with you throughout the entire process of selling or renting your home. 

A guide to a smooth house sale

Free Valuation

Accompanied by detailed market research presented by Kate or Sue (Both experienced Estate Agents) to help your achieve the best price for your property.

Preparing to Sell

We will give you the best advise possible to get your property ready to go to the market and appeal to your buyers.


We believe it is vital to showcase your property with high quality photo's, presented video tours, drone videos & coloured floor plans.

Viewings & Offers

Viewings are arranged at the buyers earliest convenience and if they make an offer, we will negotiate the best price we can.

Progressing the Sale

Upon receiving an acceptable offer, we will help instruct a solicitor on your behalf, liaise between the solicitors and all related parties to make the process as smooth as possible.


On this day, you will vacate your property and we will collect the keys to hand over to your buyer